The Drama Club here at Haynes Bridge is a serves and open to all students in 6, 7 and 8 grades (this includes our special needs students). We perform three shows a year: a fall play, in December. A spring musical in March and also an end of year play in May. That student showcase proposed and executed and selected by the Drama Club leadership.
Student officers meet monthly to plan events. We do two fundraisers a year. The officers will develop strategies for becoming effective leaders.
While drama productions at Haynes Bridge have been present for many years, the Haynes Bridge middle Drama Club was founded in 2014.
Drama Club Advisor: Alton Bryant
Our Philosophy

Theatre Arts challenges students to think creatively, encourages risk-taking, and enables students to apply their problem-solving skills beyond the classroom. Involvement in the Haynes Bridge Drama program enriches students’ middle school learning experience. Through participation in the drama club, workshops, and productions, the program gives students a skill-based education in hopes of building leaders in the areas of acting, dancing, singing, directing, managing, designing, and writing.
Our History

Drama is an introduction to the theatre. Students become acquainted with the history of the theatre and various significant plays.
Over the years, many of the students who have started in the HBMS Drama program, have gone on to high school theatre programs as well as acting on the community stage as well as television.