Drama Club Membership and Responsibilities
The school play is our shining moment. It relies on your participation and devotion. To participate and make the school play the best it can be, you must be dependable. This includes being on time, attending all meetings and practices, and being in your place on stage when it is your turn. When you are late or miss a practice or meeting, you hurt yourself and the club.
Some (but not many) accommodations can be made for students involved in multiple extracurricular activities; however, if the absences severely interfere with the student’s participation in the play, the student may be asked to drop the play from their schedule. *Actors involved in the play who also hold jobs must speak to the advisor individually to discuss their membership and participation in the play.
Excessive absences will not be tolerated. The third absence will cause parents and/or guardians to be contacted to discuss the student being removed from the play. Excessive absences, especially when unexcused, will result in the student being removed from the play. (*Please let me know in advance any time you know you will be absent for appointments and the like. Provide a calendar for work schedules if possible. Someone will take your place until you return.)
When in the auditorium or other school property, be on your best behavior. The same handbook rules that apply during school hours apply after school. Also, when practice begins, go straight to your assigned area (auditorium). NO ONE should be in the halls, in the lobby, in the cafeteria, outside, or anywhere else inappropriate! Remember that you are also on camera!
Students must also ask permission and complete the sign in/out sheets when traveling outside the auditorium or using the restroom. This helps me keep track of where you are going!
Cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned OFF and put AWAY during practice. They may be turned back on and used only AFTER practice has ended. Any cell phones which are found to be turned on or being used during practice will be confiscated and held until the end of practice. Follow the handbook rules and discipline code.
Any performance would not be successful without the help of each member. Duties include actors/actresses, stage and set design, prop managers, assistant stage manager/ student director, prompter, costume and make-up crew, publicity, tech crew, musicians, choreography, performance night duties (ushers, programs, tickets, etc.), and many more. We will work as a group to get these duties done. If you are not sure what needs to be done next, ask your advisor or officers right away! THERE IS ALWAYS WORK TO DO! DO NOT WASTE A MINUTE!
Meetings will be held weekly before school. All members and officers must attend.
Practices will be held after school which is about 4:30-5:20 P.M. Occasionally, a practice may start or end earlier or may be canceled. You will know in advance of time changes as early as possible. See your calendar. Ask an officer for help.
Parents should be here 5:15 p.m.
OTHER TRANSPORTATION (i.e. field trips, if ever needed):
If needed, students may only use transportation with a school bus/van driver or parent/guardian. This would be indicated on a permission slip. Written permission must be on file in the office to ride with anyone else.
No food, drinks, or gum will be permitted in the auditorium. If you must have a snack, eat it in the lobby during break time only. Drink plenty of water during breaks to help your voice. Do not leave trash behind! Throw away all trash. If it becomes a problem-no more snacks! EVERY member is expected to help clean the auditorium each day, whether it was your mess or not.
Should they become necessary, try-outs will be used to decide roles. Judges, if needed, will be selected as objectively as possible. Objective scoring checklists will be used to regulate fairness adequately. The advisor/director will have the final say in assigning parts.
Fundraisers may be included in club activities. It is in the best interest of all club members to participate in all fundraisers as they come about. They keep the club alive.
Officers are nominated and elected at the end of the drama season in March. They can shadow the current officers through the current play. They will begin duties at the conclusion of the play/start of the new school year. The duties are explained in an additional document.
We need your help! With official approval from the school, family volunteers may be permitted to help the club. We always need volunteers to help with props, programs, costumes, backstage help, selling tickets at the door, etc. Please contact the school office 470 254 7030 and request the volunteer paperwork.